Red Breast Editions

Red Breast is a fine art printmaking studio based in London’s East end devoted to short-run print editioning, experimental processes and unique, printed artworks. The creative facilities center around the versatile printing capabilities of a lovingly restored, Hunter Penrose Deffa offset Litho press and two, Epson SureColour P9000, 44” Digital printers. The combination of offset analogue printing processes and new digital technologies enables an explorative and flexible approach to printmaking that encourages a wide range of image-making possibilities encompassing monoprinting, lino and woodcut printing. More recently, the introduction of stone lithography complements the use of zinc and aluminium plate lithography.

Red Breast workshop is a joint venture that teams the technical flair of Robin Smart with the artistic practice of Cathie Pilkington RA. Robin and Cathie have been successfully making printed editions together since 2014 and many of these are available to purchase directly from the studio via this website.

A bit about Robin

Robin is a skilled and dedicated print collaborator and facilitator who enjoys working closely with artists and helping them realise their artistic, print ambitions.

After completing his degree in Fine Art printmaking in 1991 he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study plate and stone lithography at the Tamarind Institute in Albuquerque, USA.

Tamarind is a unique and highly specialised organisation that continues to teach selected students the in-depth intricacies of collaborative, fine art lithography. Each year, newly accredited Master Printers graduate and go on to establish their professional practice within print workshops around the world.

When he returned to the UK, Robin was recruited as the Lithography specialist technician at the Royal College of Art in 1995. He has 24 years of experience supporting post-graduate student’s practice as well as a significant technical role in creating artist’s editions and publications including works by Sir Terry Frost, Paula Rego, Tracey Emin, Norman Ackroyd, Joe Tilson, Chantal Joffe and Eileen Cooper.

A bit about Cathie

Cathie is a sculptor who works with a wide variety of materials often presenting works in the form of immersive installations.

She studied at the RCA in 1997 and was elected a Royal Academician in 2014. In 2020 she was elected as the Keeper of the RA schools.

In recent years Cathie’s experimentation with print processes has developed her exploration of ideas and imagery on paper. The physicality and versatility of printmaking presents itself as a kind of sculptural activity. Cathie produces works in many ‘hybrid’ forms enjoying the direct fluidity of lithography and also its ability to develop complex imagery through multiple plates that often combine other printmaking techniques. These may include hand-drawn, Monoprint techniques, Mokulito (Japanese wood block lithography), relief/intaglio and digital and photographic processes as well as collage and assembled /combined imagery. To enable the diversity and freedom of Cathie’s creative output, print editions are often kept exclusively small in number.