Excited to announce the addition of stone lithography at RBE

At the beginning of 2022, I was finally able to introduce stone lithography into my workshop - something I’ve been eager to do for some time! Stone lithography is the medium that I first discovered during a three-month exchange residency in Strasbourg 35 years ago and which I have always loved. For me, the magic of working on lithographic stone expands the creative language possibilities because of its uniquely editable potential and this has been something that artists have explored and enjoyed for well over 200 hundred years. I have adapted my stones to fit my offset press by having them cut down from their customary thickness to a slender 3cm depth which enables them to pass snugly and safely under the impression cylinder. I have a range of stones in various sizes and, because I am printing on an offset press, I am able to print the entire surface of the stone in the correct orientation that the image was drawn in. Really looking forward to being able to offer this amazing medium to artists wishing to explore it further or try it for the first time.


A selection of stones that are prepped and ready.


Some of the Litho stones that I have prepared for new print projects.

robin smartRBE