"A Seasons Echo" - Summer print collaboration with Jadé FadojutimI

A Season’s Echo by Jadé Fadojutimi

I was thrilled to be working with the wonderful Jadé Fadojutimi over the baking hot part of last summer and was really pleased with the 6 colour lithograph that was the final result of her careful colour choices and dynamic drawing and experimentation. The Hepworth museum in Wakefield commissioned the print to coincide with Jadé’s solo show which opened there in September 2022 and continues until March 2023. This borderless bleed print measures 657mm x 481mm, edition size was 50 prints with 7 APs and 3 printer proofs. Drawn with xerox toner powder and litho crayon on zinc plates, the edition has been a great success and sold out almost immediately.

Many thanks to Jadé for hanging out at my studio and being great fun to work with!

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